COVID-19 Group Testing
For Organizations & Businesses
Gather with Confidence
We handle testing, so you can enjoy your experiences. Book your group testing with us today!
Hosting an event? Holding a company meeting or networking event? Ensure the safety of your guests by booking a group testing event with us. Please email m.felix@pmhlaboratory.com or call us at 562-592-2890 Ext 113
PMH Laboratory, Inc. is a high complexity diagnostic testing laboratory. We are currently performing a nucleic amplification test method via RT-PCR for SARS-CoV-2. PMH has been performing SARS-CoV-2 testing for organizations, schools, and private events since May 2020. We send our healthcare staff to businesses/organizations/schools to do On-Site Testing for COVID-19. All services are billed to the participant’s health insurance, including employer group plans, individual/family plans, Medicare, Medicaid, and State Health Exchanges.
PMH does not charge the employer/organization to host the event.
PMH Laboratory utilizes Thermo Scientific Taq-Pac and Sequonce as our COVID-19 antigen testing platforms. They are both Real-Time PCR test methods with 99% sensitivity and 99% specificity rates, making our platform highly sensitive. This sensitivity allows PMH to accurately report active COVID-19 infections. PMH also performs antibody testing using the Abbott ARCHITECT i1000SR instrumentation. IgG testing helps determine whether a person has had prior exposure to COVID-19. Abbott sensitivity rate 99.6%. Abbott IgG test is one of the most successful antibody tests available on the market. Proper testing can assist employers and organizations keep the workplace safe.
Day of Testing:
Each participant will provide the attending nurse with their “Patient Consent” form attached with a copy of their insurance card front/back (that is if the employee/student pre-registered and upload their insurance card on the PMH / Med USA portal. The photocopy will not be necessary). The Uninsured form will need to be attached to the employee/student consent form with a copy of a government ID (if a student, the parent must provide a copy of their ID).
Upon completion of testing, an auto-email will be generated to the participants email with a link and access code.
PMH will provide the client with a user and password to view the overall health of the testing population.
Patients received statements from MedUSA only if their insurer took the improper step of electing to send the reimbursement payment directly to the patient, requiring the patient to then pay PMH for the services rendered.
For COVID testing services rendered during the Public Health Emergency that ended on May 11, 2023 (with reimbursement requirements in California extended to November 11, 2023), PMH is not balance billing and there will be no out-of-pocket costs to patients.
Testing occurring after these time periods will be processed according to each patient’s insurance coverage.
Call us at 562-592-2890 x 103 to ask about our COVID-19 Group Testing today!