10 Superfoods to Naturally Boost Your Immune System

There are many ways to protect your health, which include regular doctor check-ups and good habits like exercising regularly and eating a balanced diet. Most recently, COVID-19 tests and the COVID-19 vaccine have become part of the 2021 healthy routine. Nonetheless, did you know that your diet does play a huge role in our overall health? Hippocrates said: 'Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food.' While we will always need doctors, there are different homeopathic avenues and healthy steps that we can take on our own. Here are 10 superfoods that you can incorporate into your diet to boost your immune system naturally, especially before coming into summer! 

1. Spinach

You probably relate spinach to getting stronger or to lots of iron, and you are right. Additionally, it is naturally rich in fiber, magnesium, vitamins A & C. Overall, incorporating more spinach into your diet can help your immune system, vision, and different organs. Try it in salads, egg scrambles, cream of spinach, or wilted as a side to any protein!

2. Avocados

You may have heard that avocados contain “good fat,” and they do -monounsaturated oleic acid is the healthiest kind of fat, which will even help reduce cholesterol. In addition, avocados contain lutein (which can aid eyesight), as well as potassium and folate, which can lower the risk of cardiovascular disease.  Add them to salad, eggs, tacos, toast, smoothies, or just slice them up and enjoy!

3. Artichokes

Artichokes are full of folic acid, Vitamin C, K, magnesium, potassium, and iron. Their properties can help lower cholesterol and reduce free radicals. Enjoy the hearts with a homemade balsamic mayo dip, or grill them and add them as a side to your lean meat.

4. Carrots

Carrots are rich in Vitamin A, Beta-Carotene, Calcium, and Vitamin K. They have been known to fight cancer, aging, and maintaining healthy hair and skin. With carrots, options are endless. Juice them, add them to smoothies, soups, and creams. You can also roast them for perfect flavor and texture. Of course, they are delicious raw!

5. Asparagus

A spring vegetable, rich in vitamins K, B, A, and selenium. It can help with weight loss, improve digestion, and lower blood pressure. Add them to your morning eggs or salmon dinner, and taste the essence of spring.

6. Mint

Mint is known to help with gastrointestinal problems, and it can also help with allergies due to the rosmarinic acid in the plant. As seasonal allergies arise, stock up on this powerful herb! Chew the leaves for stomach relief, drink it in tea, use it to infuse your water, and add it to salads.

7. Mango

Mango contains Vitamins A, C, B6, E, copper, and other essential minerals. Plus, they are mouthwateringly delicious! Cut them up and eat them as they are, or you can also cut up some pineapple, berries, and apples to make a sensational fruit salad

8. Ginger

Ginger is a wonder food. It contains gingerol, which has medicinal properties and can treat nausea (including morning sickness) and chronic indigestion. Additionally, it may help with osteoarthritis and lower blood sugar. Some even take it for weight loss! You can slice some ginger and boil it to make ginger tea, which you can sweeten with a little bit of raw honey. You can also add it to stir-fries or use it to marinate a protein.

9. Blueberries

Blueberries are high in antioxidants and can fight inflammation. They also contain anthocyanin (which gives them their color), which may aid in fighting diabetes and damage to the heart muscle. Eat them by themselves or add them to smoothies for a healthy and delicious treat.

10. Strawberries

With more Vitamin C than oranges, strawberries will keep you healthy and strong. Universally loved, these beautiful-looking berries are high in antioxidants! Enjoy them by themselves, in your favorite dark chocolate dipping sauce, salads, smoothies, healthy desserts, and more.

We hope you enjoy these delicious fruit & vegetable superfoods. Eating real and healthy food is key in improving and maintaining optimal health. Stay happy and well friends!


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